Monday, December 28, 2009

Candida Remedies - Short and Long Term Solutions

It is easy to find information about candida remedies but it is not always so easy to obtain details about how effective these remedies are over the long term. Most will address the obvious symptoms, and provide short term relief, but they do not necessarily address the underlying issues.
Candida Albicans is the name given to a naturally produced fungus that resides in our bodies. Normally we produce enough "friendly' bacteria to restrict the fungus from growing to excess. For various reasons, sometimes the "friendly' bacteria is not able to control the growth of the fungus which then leads to a yeast infection often referred to as candida. It is important to then treat the yeast infection before it does more damage or creates more problems for our bodies.
There are many different types of candida remedies available, including:
Over-The-Counter Products
These include creams, antibiotics, suppositories, and steroids. They are all readily available but are aimed at addressing the external symptoms rather than actually curing the true candida trigger. While immediate relief is obviously very welcome, you always need to keep in mind that these candida remedies are likely to become ineffective and are not a long term solution.
These products include essential oils that work to limit overgrowth of candida. Examples are peppermint, garlic, and oregano oil. The garlic and oregano oil should both be taken in capsule form due to the fact that the essential oils can be a bit toxic to ingest and you also don't want the garlic to be digested until it reaches the intestine. There are some other supplements that you can consider including caprylic oil (coconut) and oleic oil (olive). Acidophillus is another remedy and this can often be found in types of yogurts. It is a beneficial bacterium that assists with making the intestinal tract more acidic. This then discourages the growth which then produces hydrogen peroxide that effectively kills it off.
Home Remedies
Home remedies are becoming increasingly popular as a safe and sound approach to remove this condition. You can even consider getting in touch with a homeopathic practitioner who may advise certain dietary adjustments. They may also suggest certain supplements which should be taken gradually so that you avoid a situation called Herxheimer reaction that can create temporary worsening of your symptoms. This can occur from the toxins and protein fragments that are produced as the candida dies which then starts an antibody response from your immune system.
Other candida remedies that you can prepare at home include foods such as yogurt with no added sugar and apple cider vinegar. You should also look to increase your probiotic food intake and to have a daily supplement of vitamins. These should make a difference in the short term but you need to take a complete and holistic approach if you want to stop the problem from occurring again.
It is definitely worthwhile to restrict the amount of sugar in your diet as this is what candida feeds off. You also need to limit the volume of carbohydrates too. Restrict your intake of starchy foods like potatoes and instead concentrate on foods that are higher in protein (like lean meat, chicken, and certain nuts). As your symptoms begin to improve, gradually re-introduce more carbohydrates back into your diet.
A lot of candida remedies will give you quick and effective results. These results might not be sustainable though unless you also look to adjust your diet and lifestyle.
Trish Dennison is a candida and yeast infection expert who likes to help others with these conditions. For more free advice about candida remedies, visit

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