Monday, December 28, 2009

Guide to Using an AED

There may come a time when it is necessary to revive a person that has gone into cardiac arrest. Whether at a school, shopping center, casino, or airport, an automated external defibrillator, or AED, is a medical device that can be used in life threatening events. An AED is found in heavily populated public areas and is designed for any person to use in the case of an emergency. While many people are familiar with the device, they might not know the uses or how to operate the machinery.
An AED is used in cases of life threatening cardiac arrhythmias, which also lead to cardiac arrest. Here is a guide to using an AED.
If a person goes into cardiac arrest, call 911 and check the victim's breathing and airway. Perform CPR if the victim isn't breathing and find out where the AED is.
Adhere the AED with the adhesive pads to the victim's chest, as indicated by the directions found on the AED, and turn on the device.
Stop CPR and say, "Clear," making sure that no one is touching the victim. Press the "Analyze" button to indicate the shocks. A shock is indicated if the person's heart is in ventricular fibrillation; a "no shock" message implies that the victim has a pulse, has recovered the lost pulse, or the victim is pulseless, but is not in a shockable rhythm.
If the AED indicates that shock is necessary, make sure that everyone including yourself is clear of the person. Press the shock button to give the first shock and immediately begin CPR for five cycles. Make sure to leave the AED pads in place while performing CPR.
Analyze the victim's rhythm after conducting CPR and start back over to Step 3. If stated by the AED, give another shock. If the machine shows a "no shock" message after the analysis, determine the victim's pulse and breathing status. If a pulse is present, observe the victim's airway and provide rescue breathing as necessary.
An AED is designed to be user friendly and some models will actually read each step out loud for the user to hear. It's not just medical specialists that should understand how to use an AED; but also the ordinary person.
If you're looking to buy an AED or used EKG machines, please visit a supplier of medical equipment,

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